Expert. Approachable.
At Jenny Letts Valuations and Forensics, the foundation of our approach is providing methodical, timely and tailored service to our clients. We are Forensic Accountants in the Brisbane area, that care. Our personable approach, combined with an in-depth understanding of forensic and valuation methodologies, results in outcomes that meet both client and legal needs.
Family Law
Commercial Litigation
During matrimonial assignments, we work to manage the often delicate nature of emotions present, and recognise the underlying concern of the involved parties in relation to expectations of costs and timeframes. We assist Family lawyers in these emotional times.
Assisting corporate clients with advice on assessments covering a wide range of industries, we conduct valuations of businesses for sale transactions, mergers and acquisitions, partnership disputes, partnership buy-ins, and requirements under the Acquisition of Land Act.
Working with organisations and individuals, we assess and advise on insurance related matters. Whether we are acting for the claimant or the defendant, our reports provide unbiased, simple and logical assessments to assist parties in coming to a resolution.

© 2023 by Jenny Letts Pty Ltd
1300 1LETTS
Level 10, 95 North Quay, Brisbane, 4000
GPO Box 1438, Brisbane, Q, 4001
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.