© 2023 by Jenny Letts Pty Ltd
1300 1LETTS
Level 10, 95 North Quay, Brisbane, 4000
GPO Box 1438, Brisbane, Q, 4001
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Family Law
During matrimonial assignments, we work to manage the often delicate nature of emotions present, and recognise the underlying concern of the involved parties in relation to expectations of costs and timeframes. We work with Family lawyers on many projects which include:
Appraisal and valuation of businesses, companies (both private and public), trusts and managed schemes
Appraisal and valuation of minority holdings held
Valuation of individually run businesses using the value to owner approach (where appropriate)
Assessment of professional practices using super profit methodology (where appropriate)
Valuation of franchises including retail outlets, food outlets, service stations, professional services, co-operatives etc. in accordance with the relevant details of the agreed contracts
Calculation of pension and insurance payouts based on discounted cash flow methods
Valuation of businesses that produce and sell distinctive patented products
Valuation of superannuation funds, including Defined Benefit Defence Force pensions
Advice and reporting to assist Third Parties
Tracing of assets and funds and subsequent reporting for matrimonial purposes
Review and advice on other Expert valuation assessments