Insurance Services
Working with organisations and individuals, we assess and advise on insurance related matters. Whether we are acting for the claimant or the defendant, our reports provide unbiased, simple and logical assessments to assist parties in coming to a resolution.
Our services include:
Assessment of past economic loss and loss of future earning capacity for individuals and businesses
Assessment of dependency claims for third parties
Valuation of intangibles, including trademarks, patents, royalties etc.
Tracing of assets and funds for commercial purposes
Advice to insurance companies regarding review of financial status of claimants at various points of time
Advice on losses resulting from negligence in financial planning advice
Review and advice regarding other expert reports for economic loss relating to personal injury assessment

© 2023 by Jenny Letts Pty Ltd
1300 1LETTS
Level 10, 95 North Quay, Brisbane, 4000
GPO Box 1438, Brisbane, Q, 4001
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.