© 2023 by Jenny Letts Pty Ltd
Company Profile
As forensic accounting specialists, we work with very specific problems, each with their own set of implications and drivers. Our job is to look at the problem, consider all the relevant key drivers of the parties involved - along with the implications of the problem incurred - and convey the solution in a logical realistic manner.
With a focus on providing a service that falls within timeframes and quotes given, our role is to assist lawyers to understand the financial figures relating to their cases, and help clients understand the value of their business. Considered to be part science and part art, we see forensic accounting as getting to the bottom of the situation and providing the best and fairest outcome. Detailed, strategic, and concise in our approach, providing our clients with a tailored and easy to understand valuation and assessment report is a priority.

© 2023 by Jenny Letts Pty Ltd
1300 1LETTS
Level 10, 95 North Quay, Brisbane, 4000
GPO Box 1438, Brisbane, Q, 4001
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.