Family Law Experience
Brief snapshot of experience:
Calculation and critique of customs broker valuation
Calculation of business values utilising value to owner approach
Calculation and explanation of personal goodwill for specific industries
Advice for matrimonial – calculation using earnings per share methodology for minority shareholding
Advice to solicitors relating to capital gains tax implications for property splits
Valuation of managed tax schemes for matrimonial purposes
Calculation of large entertainment complexes to aid in matrimonial disputes
Calculation of current and co-habitation values for matrimonial purposes
Calculation of fine dining restaurant for de facto split purposes
Calculation of national grocery chain and various property investment entities for matrimonial purposes
Advice based on tracing of assets for matrimonial purposes involving 6 years, 36 bank accounts and over 9,000 transactions
Matrimonial valuation of chicken farmer based on contract value
Calculation of Veteran’s pension, defined benefit pension, Defence Force retirement etc.
Black-Scholes methodology of valuation of options for publicly listed entity for matrimonial purposes
Calculation of intellectual property for matrimonial purposes

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1300 1LETTS
Level 10, 95 North Quay, Brisbane, 4000
GPO Box 1438, Brisbane, Q, 4001
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