Commercial Litigation Experience in Brisbane
Commercial valuations of law practices for the purposes of incorporation
Calculation of boutique real estate firm specialising in newly constructed units for commercial purposes
Investigation for due diligence purposes on international schools as required by ASX listed entity
Investigation of fraud in public house
Advice on forecasted building development costs
Valuation of a quarry for a determined period into the future
Calculation of loss relating to resumption of car park for major tourist attraction
Advice to government departments regarding relocation costs
Monthly advice on various retail outlets to government department in relation to business interruption during works
Advice relating to extinguishment claims
Calculation of economic loss where Business was impeded from commencement

© 2023 by Jenny Letts Pty Ltd
1300 1LETTS
Level 10, 95 North Quay, Brisbane, 4000
GPO Box 1438, Brisbane, Q, 4001
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.